kainkwatett (schraum, 2004)
antoine chessex: saxophone
torsten papenheim: guitar
axel haller: bass
The group step carefully, with well-tempered improvisation that focuses on the understated
and unrefined. Though it sounds as though every musical gesture made by the trio is the product
of planning and intent, Kainkwatett are able to leave their music sounding rough, almost industrial.
Adam Strohm, Fakejazz
Drawing equally on microtonalism, the trio builds themes out of claw-hammer string clicks, steady bass drones,
burbling single notes and protracted silences. Other time an entire improvisation takes place as a spinning
top-like mechanized pulse quivers below. Often operating in double or triple broken chords, output slows
down for mechanized cross feeds, some of which take on protracted windshield wiper sounds or those of
bubbling loops. All this reaches a climax with the almost-10-minute sixth track, where gong-like clangs,
concentrated drones and oscillating arpeggios share aural space with reed exhortations, harsh, laconic
plectrum plinks and a final sul tasto expansion from Haller.
Ken Waxman, Jazzword
In langjähriger intensiver Zusammenarbeit haben sich Antoine Chessex, Axel Haller und Torsten Papenheim einen
eigenständigen Klang erarbeitet. Kainkwatett setzt auf leise Töne; subtile Geräusche dominieren den Klang.
Bedächtig und reflektiert begeben sich die drei Künstler in eine intellektuell anmutende Kommunikation -
um rauschhaftes Sich-Selbst-Verlieren geht es ihnen nicht.
Antje Rößler, Jazzzeitung